I have been a SEED FREAK for as far as I can remember, 30+ yrs. It started out innocently enough, working @ N.W. Seed & Pet~ head of seed dept. From there, my curiosity got the best of me, and I started collecting seed packets. I kept them in a dry environment, left in it's original packaging, but often finding myself touching them, braille-like style, until one day, I decided to SEE what was inside. I had quite the collection and assortment to salivate over. Flowers, herbs, vegetables were all in the mix. My interest always peeked toward flowers, and that is where it all began. I ended up gifting the majority of veggie seed away to family and started 'experimenting' with the flowers.
In all my ventures, I retained information unknowingly. It was a favorite Winter past time of mine to grab a stack of flower catalogues, soak in the suds, and dream of having, growing, touching, harvesting, collecting every seed ever printed. Well, kids, dreams do come true~ not saying I possess each and every one, but am very pleased with my stock! I have managed, kept, stored, inventoried, tested and retested all the seed that I have acquired over the years, and they have remained VIABLE ALL THESE YEARS!
As I poured over every color; full page, I discovered Rhyme & Reason, patterns and color coding, all consistent with one another along with lingo. I designed and comprised the C.F.K.'S (Complete Flowerscaping Kits) to aide in your developments. The colored dots I chose are compatible for anything you grow!
The dots below are for my own personal use and NOT FOR RESALE.